This gallery contains a collection of my favorite images that have accumulated over the previous years.
Tree Vipers
A small selection of close-up images of tree vipers from different locations.
Australian Album
Collection of images from breeding projects of my colleague and friend Ralf Vitt.
Green Tree Python
Contains images from my own breeding projects but also wild-caught animals of this magnificent species.
Paradise Flying Snake
Chrysopelea paradisi is one of the most beautiful snakes on earth. Besides that, it can fly over quite some distances.
Dwarf Reticulated Python
Interesting dwarf forms of the reticulated python are found on various islands located south of Sulawesi, Indonesia. I have been breeding them for two generations and found that they are quite mild-tempered snakes, in contrast to the mainland form. The islands in focus here include Karompa, Kalaotoa, Madu, Kayuadi, and Tanahdjampea Island.
Offspring of Temple Pit Vipers
For those of you who are fascinated by the variability of a clutch of baby tree vipers.I have been breeding temple pit vipers for several years on a farm close to Medan, in North Sumatra. Some results are shown below.
This gallery contains a collection of my favorite images that have accumulated over the previous years.
Tree Vipers
A small selection of close-up images of tree vipers from different locations.
Australian Album
Collection of images from breeding projects of my colleague and friend Ralf Vitt.
Green Tree Python
Contains images from my own breeding projects but also wild-caught animals of this magnificent species.
Paradise Flying Snake
Chrysopelea paradisi is one of the most beautiful snakes on earth. Besides that, it can fly over quite some distances.
Dwarf Reticulated Python
Interesting dwarf forms of the reticulated python are found on various islands located south of Sulawesi, Indonesia. I have been breeding them for two generations and found that they are quite mild-tempered snakes, in contrast to the mainland form. The islands in focus here include Karompa, Kalaotoa, Madu, Kayuadi, and Tanahdjampea Island.
Offspring of Temple Pit Vipers
For those of you who are fascinated by the variability of a clutch of baby vipers.I have been breeding temple pit vipers for several years on a farm close to Medan, North Sumatra.